Placing Orders

Placing Orders

There are 3 different ways orders may be placed through the Prime 1 Studio official website.

In Stock:

Products labeled as "In Stock" are items that have finished production and are ready to ship to your shipping address. As soon as you have made your final payment, we will prepare your item for shipment.


Items marked as "Pre-Order" are products that have been announced but are still in production. The final payment for Pre-Order products will only be available once the item has become available to ship. At that time, we will send an email asking for confirmation of both your final payment amount and shipping address, so be sure to confirm that and you will be good to go.


Just missed out on a Pre-Order? There’s still a chance. If a current customer of the item cancels, we will appoint a customer from the waitlist. Elected customers will receive an email from us to confirm the waitlist item as a new order. Please bear in mind that there is a 2-week timeframe to confirm the order, and the elected status will be forfeited if confirmation is not completed within this period.